
SHRcancombinedifferentsizeddrivestocreateastoragevolumewithoptimizedcapacityandperformance,wastinglessdrivespaceandprovidingamore ...,2020年8月10日—You'recorrect,thedatawillberawvideo,images,smallertextfilesand3dgeometrycachesanywherefrom100sofmbsto100sofgbs.,2021年5月24日—Becauseyourdrivesareidentical,SHRisconstructedasaplainRAID5.Sothereisnoperformancedifferencetospeakof(technically,thereis ...

Choose a RAID Type | DSM

SHR can combine different sized drives to create a storage volume with optimized capacity and performance, wasting less drive space and providing a more ...

Maximum NAS Performance SHR vs Raid10

2020年8月10日 — You're correct, the data will be raw video, images, smaller text files and 3d geometry caches anywhere from 100s of mbs to 100s of gbs.

SHR versus Raid performance

2021年5月24日 — Because your drives are identical, SHR is constructed as a plain RAID5. So there is no performance difference to speak of (technically, there is ...

Synology Hybrid RAID Explained

2019年10月4日 — SHR Strengths · Faster to setup · Expandable · Ability to mix drives · Greater available capacity when mixing drives whilst still maintaining 1 disk ...

What is Synology Hybrid RAID (SHR)?

SHR allows users to create a flexible storage solution with optimized capacity and performance. SHR is based on a Linux RAID management system and designed ...

What is Synology Hybrid RAID (SHR)?

2022年11月7日 — SHR allows users to create a flexible storage solution with optimized capacity and performance. SHR is based on a Linux RAID management ...

What is Synology Hybrid RAID? What is the difference ...

2024年5月6日 — SHR: While SHR offers simplicity and efficiency, its performance can be slightly lower than traditional RAID configurations due to its dynamic ...

什麼是Synology Hybrid RAID (SHR)?

2022年11月7日 — Synology Hybrid RAID (SHR) 是Synology 專門的自動化磁碟陣列(RAID) 管理系統,能同時最佳化容量及效能,讓使用者建立較具彈性的儲存方案。 SHR 是一套 ...


資料IO 和傳輸效能測試環境. NAS/IP SAN:. 作業系統:DSM 7.2; RAID 儲存空間類型:RAID 6 (12 個硬碟槽以上)、RAID 5 (4 個硬碟槽至8 個硬碟槽)、RAID 1 (2 個硬碟 ...